Indy 8

Download Indy 8.0

Please note the links in this page are temporarily not working. This is due to having removed the files from their site. We aim to get these downloads resumed shortly.

Note: For manageability and to save people download time, we now divide the distributions into the main source-code, documentation, Delphi Demos, C++Builder Demos.  We now offer distributions in the following formats:

  • .Zip – PKZIP format
  • .TAR.gz or .tgz – GZipped TAR file for our Linux users
  • .EXE – a Windows automated installation

The install is currently in beta. Our automated installation uses your compiler to build the Indy binary files automatically. PLEASE NOTE that currently this installation (Indy itself works fine) does not work properly with C++Builder although it will copy the files to your machine.

Indy OpenSSL DLL’s for Indy – Please see the SSL page for more information.  This is strong cryptography and thus may be regulated or prohibited in some jurisdictions while unrestricted in other jurisdictions.  It is your responsibility to determine if using them is legal in your jurisdiction.  We do not give you any inherent rights to use this strong encryption.


Delphi 6 Files
[mistakenly omitted from the distribution below]
Indy Source-Code
393 KB

Indy WinHelp Documentation
1.39 MB

Indy PDF Documentation (kindly provided by Dejan McSimovic)
680 KB

Indy HTML Documentation
4.87 MB

Indy Delphi Demos

DelphiDemos20010311.zip1,361 KB

Indy C++Builder Demos
405 KB